What Is a Google Business Profile? Why Your Business MUST Have One

What Is a Google Business Profile? Why Your Business MUST Have One

What is a Google Business Profile (GBP)?

Ever wondered what is a Google Business Profile? Well, put simply a Google Business Profile is a local listing that shows in Google Searches and Google Maps. For businesses that service specific areas a Google Business Profile can help people find your business.

Why does a business need a Google Business Profile?

Each business has the ability to apply for a Google Business Profile and once set up it is a free marketing tool for your business – the only cost is time to maintain. In optimizing your Google Business Profile you get the most out of the service by offering your customers what they need and information about your business at their fingertips.

Some of the key features of a Google Business Profile

A Business Profile from Google can:

  • Tell your customers what hours you are open and closed
  • Provide a link to your website
  • Provide other contact details such as your phone number and communication channels
  • Provide your location in Google Maps (Critical for physical presence businesses nowadays)
  • Show posts of your products or services for marketing and information purposes
  • Show photos of your business, products or services
  • Collect review and allow your responses to reviews to provide social proof to prospects
  • Improve your overall online business presence and provide a way for customers to contact and find you

And much more!

Is a Google Business Profile needed for my business?

In short, Yes! You absolutely should have a Google Business Profile set up and ideally optimized to take advantage of the potential business traffic and new customers you could be getting through your listing. It is not overly time consuming to configure and can provide great value almost every type of business, so why not set it up today!

If you need assistance with your Google Business Profile Configuration or Optimization, we’re here to help! Book a call today to find out more about our services.